Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

July 19, 2020 message: “Hosea: ...

We can easily fall into a trap where God’s love is conditional – for ourselves and for others. We assume that God treats us like we sometimes treat others – withholding love and grace. But the  message of the prophets is that God is faithful to the covenant-promise God makes with us. God will love […]

July 12, 2020 message: “Amos: J...

It’s difficult to hear God’s call to care for those who are in need and the most vulnerable in our community, especially when times are good for us and things are going well. Worship of God is an offering, but worship sends us into the world in mission and ministry on behalf of God whom […]

July & August 2020 worship: ̶...

July & August 2020 worship: “Old School: Prophets”

We don’t always pay close attention to the certain parts of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, even though Jesus quoted it frequently. In fact, the prophets, especially the Minor Prophets (named that because the books are short in length and fit on one scroll), are overlooked even as they have a lot to say […]

July 5, 2020 message: “Our Grea...

Some say we’re not so afraid of death as we are afraid of dying. But death is the great equalizer, even as we know the pain and grief of losing loved ones. We can face our fear with faith and trust that death is not the end – and that our lives have meaning and […]

June 28, 2020 message: “Alone T...

Loneliness and the fear of being alone are a stark reality even as we’re more connected than ever before. We all need time alone, just as Jesus took time away from others, but we also need to be connected. God created us for relationship with God and each other, and God promises to sustain us […]

June 21, 2020 message: “Facing ...

Fear of failing can stop us from living our faith because faith commands that we risk, which also makes us vulnerable. God calls us to be faithful, trusting that failure isn’t an end, but a part of living fully. This is the third week in the series, “Unafraid.” Worship opened with “10 Celebrities Who Failed.” […]

June 14, 2020 message: “Fightin...

Fear of the “the other” takes many forms in our world – racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, and more. These fears are not a new reality, but continue to be sin that we must confront personally and systemically. Often we vilify one another in order to give credit to unfounded fears. God calls us to see […]

June 7, 2020 message: “The Only...

Fear and worry are a reality for everyone – no one is exempt. But these don’t have to control and dictate how we live every day. We can trust in God’s presence and care for us – and in God’s promise to walk with us and guide us through times of trouble. This is the […]

May 31, 2020 message: “Hearts w...

Throughout this season of Easter, we’ve proclaimed that love is the foundation of our faith that binds us to God, to Jesus, and to each other. At Pentecost, the church received the power of the Holy Spirit to let this message of love flow out to all. The power of this message is vital to […]

May 24, 2020 message: “Open the...

The story of the last time the disciples saw Jesus is a story of blessing. Jesus says that as witnesses to his presence and resurrection, they too will be filled with power to carry on his ministry, to be his hands and feet in the world. To see the world through the eyes of Jesus […]