You are invited to join the worship team on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at the Booth’s house. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the one-time commitment. The ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship.
We will have a potluck at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to share. Brainstorming is from 7:00-9:30 p.m. Safety protocols will be the same as at church (masks are recommended for those who are not fully vaccinated).
In recent years, people have looked to Revelation to explain politics, the pandemic, and other undesirable events – interpretations which are neither helpful nor accurate. The pastoral letter was written to specific people in a specific time and place using what we generally describe as bizarre imagery. It was never intended to frighten or confuse; it was intended to challenge the church to stand loyal to Christ and to create unshakable hope!
Click here for the brainstorming packet. Please read the Scripture and message synopses and preview the videos before we gather if at all possible. Printed copies are available at church. There is a sign-up sheet on an information tower at church. You can also contact the church office (231-798-2181 or or Karen Booth. Please feel free to pass your ideas or questions along to Karen if you can’t make it to the brainstorming.
Here are some sources of inspiration:
This is what we came up with: