Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

April 9, 2020 worship: “The Table – A Place of Grace for Everyone”

The table is more than a place to eat- it’s a central location for much of our lives. Remembering God’s saving work from the Exodus until the Last Supper invites us to come to the table of grace that is for all people. This Holy Thursday Service is the eighth in our series, “A Place at the Table.” It is based on Exodus 13:3, 6-10; John 13:1-8, 12-15; and John 13: 33-35. To read Pastor Mary’s message, click here. The service is posted on FaceBook and YouTube.

April 10, 2020 worship: Good Friday

Usually we would gather with other Christians in our community at noon to read the Passion story, share a time of confession, and pray for ourselves, our community, and our world. Because we’re sheltering in place this year, Pastor Mary joined with Pastor Jeff Bowman (Temple UMC) and Pastor Mark Miller (Central UMC) to create a service without being in the same space. You are invited to find a candle and cross then join in worship on YouTube. We apologize for the video quality on Pastor Jeff toward the end. It was nothing we could change before processing the video. The audio is fine.

Sunday worship services will be on FaceBook live at 10:00 am and posted to YouTube after worship through at least the end of April. Thank you for your patience and understanding.