Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

May 15, 2022 message: “All Thin...

The vision of a new heaven and new earth is almost too good to be true, but that’s where we place our ultimate hope – that God’s goodness will win out against evil. This is the fourth week in our series, “Revelation Song.” This week’s worship opens with “All Things New (New Years).” Pastor Mary’s […]

May 16, 2022 Worship Brainstorming

All Church Worship Brainstorming Mon., May 16, 2022 in Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. Potluck 7:00-9:30 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship June 5 – July 31 (9 weeks) The worship brainstorming for Pentecost and after will be held in Fellowship Hall.  We will look at two different series, “Living the Spirit Life” for June, and “The Prayer […]

May 8, 2022 message: “A New Vis...

Revelation was first written to offer hope in difficult times and encouragement for those who were struggling to remain faithful to God. The message hasn’t changed. Faith in Jesus doesn’t guarantee an easy life here on earth, but it does offer assurance that we are not alone. This is the third week in the series, […]

May 1, 2022 message: “Worthy Is...

Revelation is not a prediction, but an extended vision meant to offer hope to fellow believers. John’s vision reminds us who Jesus is – the Lamb of God – and what he does – takes away the sin of the world. Our response is to worship Jesus together. This is the second week in the […]

April 24, 2022 message: “Alpha ...

The last book in our Bible, Revelation, is not one to be feared. Instead, it gives us a glimpse into a time of persecution in the early church, challenges us to consider our personal and communal faith, and understand a foundational truth: God is God, always and forever. This is the first week in our […]

April 17, 2022 message: “This I...

What no one though was possible happened. The woman who went to the tomb to care for Jesus in death found a word of life and hope. Even though it seemed like “you had to be there” to believe it, the good news of resurrection spread, and we can rejoice and be glad! This is […]

April 14, 2022 message: “A Basi...

Jesus’ sacrificial love is on display as he washes feet and calls his friends to serve in his name, all while they plot to kill him, struggle to understand, and eventually betray him. Perhaps his feelings are heard in the psalmist’s own struggle with those who hurt us. This is the second to last message […]

April 10, 2022 message: “A Palm...

The psalms express the highest joy and the deepest sorrow, which is reminiscent of what Jesus and the crowds experienced as he came into Jerusalem as a part of a protest-parade and then as things moved quickly to his arrest, trial, and death. It’s right for us to engage in this journey deeply – reflecting […]

April 3, 2022 message: “On Wait...

As we journey closer to Holy Week, this psalm is a cry from the depths of pain or despair. There is no clear resolution, no clear fix to the brokenness; the separation still abides. And yet, there is hope.  There is confidence, even from a position of pain, that resolution is at hand. There is […]

March 29, 2022 Worship Brainstorming:...

You are invited to join the worship team on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at the Booth’s house. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the one-time commitment. The ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship. We will have a potluck at 6:00 p.m.  Please bring a dish to share. […]