Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

October 10, 2021 message: “Make...

Relationships require commitment – and staying committed, and that’s true for our spiritual lives as well. We’re called to serve God wholeheartedly and cultivate true community with one another. This is the third week in the series, “Building a Strong FAMILY of God.” Pastor Mary’s message is based on Psalm 37: 1-9 and Acts 2: […]

October 18, 2021 Worship Brainstormin...

Worship Brainstorming “Help, Thanks, Wow!” – Three Essential Prayers Mon., October 18, 2021 at LHUMC 12:00 p.m. Potluck Lunch 12:45-3:00 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship November 7-21, 2021 You are invited to join the worship team on Monday, October 18 at noon at the back of the sanctuary for a potluck lunch and brainstorming. We’ll look […]

October 3, 2021 message: “Ask f...

Forgiveness isn’t easy for anyone, especially when we’re hurt by people we trust. Forgiveness involves dealing honestly with anger, making a decision to forgive, working on forgiveness, and allowing ourselves to find release from the burden of un-forgiveness. This is the second week in the series, “Building a Strong FAMILY of God.” Pastor Mary’s message […]

September 26, 2021 message: “Fa...

We describe our families in many ways: happy, loving, supportive, strange, modern, dysfunctional, and broken. Everyone is part of a family though it might not be the traditional model – a mom, dad, and two kids all of whom are related and happily living together under the same roof – and that’s okay. Whatever our […]

September 19, 2021 message: “Wi...

Words can hurt and harm – whether we’re speaking directly, sending a message, or sharing a post. Words can also heal, and we’re called to pay closer attention to our own speech. What does it say about our hearts? This is the third and final week in the series, “Mission: Possible.” Pastor Mary’s message is […]

September 12, 2021: “Faith that...

The connections between our words and actions matter, especially in our walk with Christ. Ours is a practical – or practiced – faith. Faith is more than what we say we believe; faith is also about how we live what we believe. This is the second week in the series, “Mission: Possible.” Pastor Mary’s message […]

September 5, 2021 message: “Doe...

This week is the first in a three week series, “Mission: Possible.” On of the five practices of fruitful living is risk-taking mission and service. Mission is not a trip. Rather, it is an opportunity to bless others as we’ve been blessed – and understand that we can be blessed by others. Mission is defined […]

2021 Worship Planning Retreat

For more than twenty years, Lake Harbor has taken a collaborative approach to planning worship. Planning for a whole year just takes this collaborative process to the next level. In September 2017, our Worship Connections Team gathered for a very productive two-day retreat to plan worship for 2018. It has become an annual event. Each […]

August 29, 2021 message: “Quest...

After stretching our spirits and loving more of the glorious creation and its peoples, we return home, but we are not the same. We have returned memories of new friends and new perspectives – and maybe even new convictions to be more active and loving citizens of humanity right where we reside. Jesus says “abide […]

August 22, 2021 message: “Quest...

When we begin to broaden our experience of other places and people, we face the reality of religious differences. If we continue to reflect and open our hearts, what feels so different may not be as far from us as we thought. Images like light and water are common themes across faith traditions as we […]