All Church Worship Brainstorming
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at LHUMC
12:00 noon Potluck
12:45 – 3:30 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship
“Treasure” based on a book by Jacob Armstrong
October 9-20, 2022 (4 Sundays)
Using a part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6, we’ll explore the challenge of his words, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Does our treasure follow our hearts, or does our heart follow our treasure? We’d like to think that our hearts do the leading, but usually it’s the other way around. How do we invest our gifts in the things that last and matter?
The worship brainstorming for this series will be held at church in the lounge or Fellowship Hall. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the one-time commitment. The ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship.
We will have a potluck at noon. Please bring a dish to share. Brainstorming is from 12:45 – 3:30 p.m. Safety protocols will be the same as Sunday morning worship.
Click here for the brainstorming packet or pick up a hard copy at church. Read the Scripture and Pastor Mary’s message synopses, and preview videos when they become available.
RSVPs are helpful but not mandatory. Sign up at church or contact the church office (213-798-2181 or or Karen Booth.
Additional resource:
16 Creative Ways to Think about Stewardship and Generosity (No Offering Plate Required)
This is what we came up with: