It seems like media is dominated by bad news. We know that negativity and tragic events get ratings and attention, but too much bad news can leave us feeling hopeless and apathetic. We forget that God is good – an God can bring new life and hope even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
What about good news and good things? How can we overcome the fear of what’s in front of us and see at least “one good thing” in ever situation? This is not a call to ignore our authentic feelings of anger, disappointment, or sadness, but to recognize that God is with us and working for good.
The Worship Connections team will meet at the back of the sanctuary on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 1:00 pm to plan for this series. Please take some time to read this document and watch the videos. Other articles of interest are found below.
A Thank-You Note Helped Me Find My Calling – WSJ
Down Syndrome and the Gift of Innocence – WSJ