All Church Worship Brainstorming
for July and August Worship
Monday, June 4, 2018
Ron & Vicki Zuker’s house
6:00 pm Cookout/Potluck Dinner
7:00-9:00 pm Brainstorming for Worship
The Worship Team is looking for a few ideas for upcoming worship services. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate. You might be surprised to see how much fun (and insightful) worship planning can be. It is a one-night commitment, the food is always good, and the ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship. Participants do not have to have any previous worship planning experience—or talk if you don’t have anything to say. We’ll look at two series: “Hot Topics” for July and “Psalms for the Soul” for August.
Sharing a meal is an important part of the evening. Please join us for a potluck dinner at 6:00 pm. Ron is grilling chicken. Bring a dish to pass. Weather permitting, we will eat outside, then move inside for the brainstorming.
RSVPs are helpful but not mandatory. Sign up at church, contact the church office at 213-798-2181 or or contact Vicki. Carpooling is encouraged. Please read the scripture and messages and preview the videos before we gather if at all possible.
To find out what the participants’ talked about, July & August 2018 Brainstorming Summary.