Let’s Talk
Information Meeting:
Sunday Morning Schedule
More than 40 people showed up Sunday afternoon to learn more about why we are re-examining our Sunday morning schedule. The format of the meeting was very similar to the Town Hall meetings that we had to talk about the Vital Church Initiative prescriptions. The VCI Team and Ad Council members presented background information. Members had a chance to get their questions answered and to express their concerns or support.
If you were not able to attend the meeting, you can read the meeting’s script and the questions, answers, and comments by clicking here. For more incite into the whole VCI process, read VCI Surgery by our District Superintendent, Bill Haggard.
We have not made a final decision regarding the schedule. If after reading the script and minutes, you still have some questions or concerns, please feel free to call an Ad Council or VCI team member. Ad Council will make a final decision on August 11. Thank you!
Pastor Mary Ivanov, Karen Booth, Glenn Chilson, Gary Cooper,
Brad Dean, Julie Fuller, Jim Grace, Mary Hubbell, Dave Keessen,
Diane Miller, Fred Miller, Dolores Novotny, Jim Post, Ruth Pyman,
Tom VanDyke, Ron Zuker, and Vicki Zuker