Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

February 16, 2014 message: “Ble...

February 16, 2014 message: “Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit message.            

February 9, 2014 message: “Bles...

February 9, 2014 message: “Blessed!”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s Blessed! message.

February 2, 2014 message: “Genu...

February 2, 2014 message: “Genuine Hope, Hard Truth”

If you missed this week’s message by guest speaker, Naomi Garcia, check out the media and short summary below to learn more: 12“Look at it this way.  If someone has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders off, doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine and go after the one?  13And if he finds it, doesn’t […]

January 26, 2014 message: “Bapt...

January 26, 2014 message: “Baptism: An Act of God”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s Baptism-An Act of God message.

January 19, 2014 message: “Bapt...

January 19, 2014 message: “Baptism: An Act of the Spirit”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s Baptism: An Act of the Spirit message.

1-12-14 message: “Baptism: An A...

1-12-14 message: “Baptism: An Act of Submission”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s Baptism: An Act of Submission message.

1-5-14 message: “The Road to Eg...

1-5-14 message: “The Road to Egypt: Escape”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s THE ROAD TO EGYPT message. Click here to see the many, varied ways artists from across the world have portrayed this journey over the millenia.            

12/29/13 message: “The Manger: ...

12/29/13 message: “The Manger: The Wise Men”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s THE MANGER message.

12/24/13 message: “The Fields: ...

12/24/13 message: “The Fields: The Shepherds”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s THE FIELDS message.

12/22/13 message: “The Road to ...

12/22/13 message: “The Road to Bethlehem: Joseph and Mary”

If you missed it or just want to refresh your memory, here is the outline for Mark’s The Road to Bethlehem message.