Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

April 11, 2021 message: “Upside...

We live in a world inundated with messages about what “the good life” is, which can leave us with mixed messages when it comes to living faithfully. The Beatitudes serve as a way of getting our bearings as to how God operates, what God values, and where the “good life” is truly found. During this […]

March 22, 2021 Brainstorming: “...

Easter is a season when we celebrate resurrection and the call to live as people who claim new life and have hope in Christ.  Spending time focusing on the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus starts with words of blessing challenges us to understand blessing more fully – not simply as a gift or reward, […]

April 4, 2021 message: “The Gar...

Resurrection calls us to claim the hope that is always with us as people whose faith is in Jesus Christ. God offers a hopeful vision for new life right now and eternal life in God’s love and care. This is the final week in the series, “The Grace of Les Misérables.” Today’s focus is on […]

April 2, 2021 message: “Were Yo...

This year, Pastor Mary’s Good Friday message is based on Mark 14: 53 – Mark  15: 47.  The worship service is available in its entirety on FaceBook and YouTube.

April 1, 2021 message: “The Gar...

Jesus offers grace to his disciples even as he warns them of betrayal. Jesus takes them to pray even as they struggle to stay awake. Jesus displays agape love even as he prays and recognizes his humanity in going to the cross to bring salvation. We gather with him in honest confession as we “sit […]

March 28, 2021 message: “Do You...

Though we don’t always acknowledge it, what happened on Palm Sunday was amazing. It was a miracle that no one drew a sword in a time of high tension. As we consider the expectations for Jesus and his response – the kind of Messiah he was – what do we say about seeking justice, standing […]

March 21, 2021 message: “Giving...

We receive blessings from God every day, and acknowledging those blessings is important spiritual work. It can keep us from selfishness and greed and keep us more ready to give, share, and forgive. This is the fifth week in the Lent and Easter series, “The Grace of Les Misérables.” Today’s focus is on some the […]

March 14, 2021 message: “The Gi...

It can be difficult to define love because we use the word so often. Sometimes love can be a placeholder when we don’t quite know how we feel. What does it mean to proclaim that “the greatest of these is love”? This is the fourth week in the Lent and Easter series, “The Grace of […]

March 7, 2021 message: “Poverty...

Poverty doesn’t have to be, and yet we know it is an everyday reality for so many people for so many reasons. Poverty affects everything it touches. For some it leads to perseverance. For others, poverty destroys the soul. What is our role in combating poverty as people of faith in Jesus Christ? This is […]

February 28, 2021: “When Grace ...

There is more to being a Christian and following Jesus than following the rules. Our faith calls us to consider grace and justice – not as opposites – but often indistinguishable. This is the second week in the Lent and Easter series, “The Grace of Les Misérables.” Today’s focus is on Javert. Pastor Mary’s message […]