Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

September 27, 2015 message: “Kn...

September 27, 2015 message: “Know Your Own Story – And Tell It!”

Taking the time to write down our story in a way that makes it easy to tell is important as we seek to make disciples. Our story is unique, and God is glorified through our story. Sharing faith with honesty and integrity helps others to know God’s grace, and telling our faith story helps us […]

September 20, 2015 message: “Co...

Personal invitation is the most effective way to bring new people into a church. When we experience that personal relationship with Jesus, then we also take the initiative to invite others in the same way he invites us: “come and see.” For some interesting thoughts on evangelism, click here. We opened worship with a thought […]

The “E” Word – Evan...

The “E” Word – Evangelism Mean Sharing “Good News”

Now that we have spent eight weeks taking a good hard look at ourselves and our sin, we understand just how much we need God. What about all the people outside our church? Don’t they need God too? For the next three weeks, we will take a look at deeper look at what how we […]

September 13, 2015 message: “Mi...

September 13, 2015 message: “Mission and Ministry”

Today we celebrated the mission and ministry at Lake Harbor. We opened worship with “The Time You Have (in Jellybeans).” Three youth reflected on their mission trip to Vassar especially as it applied to Galatians 3: 26-26. If you would like a DVD of the worship service, please contact the church office.

September 6, 2015 message: “Lus...

September 6, 2015 message: “Lust or Purity?”

We wrap up the series, “Sinning like a Christian: The Good News,” today. Lust reminds us of the relational impact of sin. Sins of the heart bear fruit in our actions. How do we guard our hearts and become more aware of the temptations around us and still find joy in God’s good gift of […]

August 30, 2015 message: “Glutt...

Gluttony is an overall preoccupation with matters of the flesh – food, drugs, alcohol – and seems more harmful to the sinner than anyone else. It takes the balance out of life and distracts us from work, relationships, and our spiritual lives. How do we live a life of moderation in the midst of so […]

August 23, 2015 message: “Greed...

August 23, 2015 message: “Greed or Generosity?”

In the Western world, we live in relative luxury compared to many around the globe. Rather than wishing for more, perhaps we should strive to cultivate gratitude for what we have and answer Jesus’ call for extravagant generosity. To read Pastor Mary’s message, based on Matthew 6: 19-24, click here. To read some interesting quotes […]

August 16, 2015 message: “Sloth...

August 16, 2015 message: “Sloth or Diligence?”

We’re quick to equate “sloth” with “laziness.” But if these Seven Deadly Sins are more about our heart than our actions, sloth is more about apathy toward spiritual matters to which we should devote ourselves than being lazy. It is about reigniting our passion for God. To read Pastor Mary’s message, based on Matthew 25: […]

August 9, 2015: Worship Brainstorming...

August 9, 2015: Worship Brainstorming Summary

All Church Brainstorming for Fall 2015 Worship: The Summary The Worship Connections Teams had a great evening planning worship for two fall series: The “E” Word – Evangelism Means Sharing “Good News” Money Matters: Earn, Save, Give Click here for more information.

August 9, 2015 message: “Anger ...

August 9, 2015 message: “Anger or Forgiveness?”

One writer calls anger “the most fun” of the Seven Deadly Sins, but also recognizes that it can eat us up. Righteous anger drives us to correct wrongs; misdirected anger to resentment, depression, and violence. How do we move from anger to forgiveness? To read Pastor Mary’s message, based on Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2, click […]