Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

February 7, 2016 message: “God ...

February 7, 2016 message: “God Says, ‘Listen!'”

What happens on the mountains when Jesus is transfigured isn’t something that’s easily described. The disciples see Jesus face-to-face in a new way after he’s told them what’s ahead for him. The call is to listen to all that Jesus says and does – and follow him. We have “a-ha!” moments when we experience Jesus […]

Kalamazoo District Conference is Febr...

Kalamazoo District Conference is February 27

The Worship Connections Team is taking the Designs on Worship Workshop on the road. They will be in Kalamazoo for the Kalamazoo District Conference on February 27. The “Elements of a Successful Worship Connections Team” is at 10:40 am; “Developing Worship Themes” is at 12:30 pm. The event is FREE! More information is available at […]

January 31, 2016 message: “God ...

The good news that Jesus shared was good, but only until he challenged our notions of who can receive the good news. When he pushes us beyond our comfort zones and tells us that even those we want to leave out are a  part of his ministry, then we get angry and don’t want to […]

January 24, 2016 message: “God ...

When Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah and says that the words from long ago are true right now, it’s good news! His message to the people than and to us now is that we are called to be a part of this good news – both as recipients and as active participants in the […]

January 17, 2016 message: “God ...

January 17, 2016 message: “God Speaks in Miracles”

To claim that “miracles happen” is sometimes viewed suspiciously, but miracles were a part of Jesus’ ministry. Signs and wonders were a way by which people came to know that God’s power was real and for all people. How can we reclaim God’s power to do what we don’t think can be done, bring hope […]

January 10, 2016 message: “God ...

January 10, 2016 message: “God Speaks in Baptism”

When Jesus is baptized, it represents his call to ministry. He is called a beloved son of God, and the Holy Spirit comes upon him. Baptism is one of our “a-ha!” moments, too, when we’re called to ministry – named and claimed by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Mary first message in […]

January 3, 2016 message: “The W...

January 3, 2016 message: “The Wise Men from the East”

The wise men were people who came from far away seeking truth. In contrast to the shepherds who were poor and humble, the wise men had resources. Again, we see that the message of God’s salvation is for all people. It is likely that their journey to Jesus lasted two years by the time they […]

Worship Brainstorming Summary for Len...

Worship Brainstorming Summary for Lent and Easter 2016

Thank you to everyone who joined us! Click here to read our ideas for the Lent and Easter series, “From the Inside Out.”

Epiphany Worship Series: “Word ...

Epiphany Worship Series: “Word of God Speak”

How do we listen to God? How do we discern God’s voice? Whether it’s in our personal decision-making or seeking to follow God’s will as the church, we have to pay attention. In the Gospel of John, we read that “the Word became flesh and lived among us.” Jesus is the Word of God, but […]

December 24, 2015 message: “The...

December 24, 2015 message: “The Angels and Shepherds at the Manger”

The appearance of the angels to the shepherds is a great contrast – heavenly beings coming to some of those who were considered the most humble and outcast in society. The message of God’s salvation is for all people. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we remember what God saves us from and what […]