Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

June 23, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

June 23, 2019 message: “Lead with Boldness”

Esther used her social capital and influence to make a difference, and she invited others to pray and trust in God. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Esther 4-9 with a focus on chapters 4 and 7. *To read it, click here. For a better understanding of what Esther felt about her role, watch “One […]

June 16, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

June 16, 2019 message: “Lead with Faith”

Daniel in the lion’s den shows the power of faith to guide us and help us to lead others. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Daniel 6. To read it, click here.* For a brief retelling of the whole book of Daniel watch “God’s Story: Daniel.” *Due to technical difficulties, we are a little behind […]

June 9, 2019 message: “The Powe...

When we say we’re “empowered by Christ and sent forth to serve,” we’re trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide us. This series will challenge us to be attentive to that power, claim our spiritual gifts, and use them to lead well as servant leaders. We’ll be guided by the same verse as our Vacation […]

June 2, 2019 message: “Bitter I...

Your grudge may be valid, but holds no value. Grudges destroy our spiritual life and compromise our witness. How do we learn to let them go? This is the final message in the series, “Stop It! (In the Name of Love).” Brad Hilleary and Carole Koch’s message is based on Ephesians 4: 25-32, Galatians 5: […]

May 26, 2019 message: “Let It G...

Regret has been described as “mining our mistakes.” We learn from mistakes, but to get stuck in regret doesn’t show the power of God to love and forgive. How do we hear the call to “let go” and allow God to bring healing and peace? This is Pastor Mary’s third message in the series, “Stop […]

May 19, 2019 message: “Playgrou...

The school playground may bring back fun memories of playing with friends, or it may bring back sad memories of feeling left out or getting hurt. Playground rules are there for a reason. “Be safe, take turns, share, and include others” continue to help us as we graduate to the bigger playground of life. This […]

May 12, 2019 message: “If You C...

These are good words we hear parents and other who offer good advice about how we speak, but we struggle to keep our mouths (and sometimes our fingers) from spreading rumors and lies. How does gossip compromise our witness and hurt those around us? This is Pastor Mary’s first message in the series, “Stop It! […]

May 13, 2019 Worship Brainstorming: &...

All Church Worship Brainstorming for June-July 2019 Worship Monday, May 13, 2019 Ron & Vicki Zuker’s house 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 7:00-9:30 pm Worship Brainstorming When we say we’re “empowered by Christ and sent forth to serve,” we’re trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide us. We’re given the gifts of the Spirit to use […]

May 5, 2019 Children’s Sunday: ...

Every parent dreams of embracing their new child, and when that dream comes true, it’s as if all of creation rejoices with them. The Wonder that Is You beautifully captures the universal love and joy parents feel as they celebrate the arrival of a new child. It is based on Isaiah 55: 12. Lake Harbor’s […]

April 28, 2019 message: “When J...

The disciples respond in worship and with doubt when they see the risen Jesus. he gives them the Great Commission – to go, baptize, and teach. They are sent out beyond their home and comfort to share Good News with the assurance of Jesus’ presence – Tod with us. Today is the final message in […]