Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

July 17, 2022 message: “For Dai...

We often begin our prayers with a list of our perceived needs, but Jesus invites us to pray with a Kingdom perspective – seeing God’s abundance and asking with confidence for what sustains us each day. In that light, we discover that we have enough and have much to share so that other have enough, […]

July 19, 2022 Worship Brainstorming

All Church Worship Brainstorming Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at Ivanov’s home 6:00 p.m. Potluck 7:00-9:30 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship Series: “God’s Good Gift of Sexuality” August 7-28 (4 Sundays) Human beings are created in the image of a relational God and designed to enjoy an intimate relationship with their Creator and one another. There is […]

July 10, 2022 message: “On Eart...

We want to be more like Jesus, especially as we see his humility, his steadfastness, his justice, his mercy, his discipline, and his love, but we also fight against our desire to have our own way. Praying with Jesus means that we put aside our will and seek God’s will so that the Kingdom of […]

July 3, 2022 message: “God̵...

This is the first week in the series, “The Prayer Jesus Teaches.”  The Lord’s Prayer is probably the most well-known prayer in Christian tradition. We memorize it, and we share when we worship together. Even more, this prayer shows up in films, TV, shows, books, and song. The fact is that the Lord’s Prayer is […]

June 26, 2022 message: “Finding...

We have a deep desire for “home” – where the heart is and no place like it. For many of us, home isn’t just a physical place or space, but sense of place and comfort. Finding our true home includes wandering and seeking, usually in community with others, as we build a relationship with God. […]

June 19, 2022 message: “The Sou...

Life with God often involves redirection, reorientation, and refocus – sometimes in very unexpected ways. We have to sort through the inward and outward noise and seek the voice of God, who is still speaking – even in the silence. This is the third week in the series, “Living the Spirit Life.” Worship opened with […]

June 12, 2022 message: “Wisdom ...

We want to make sense of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but the Trinity is more of an understanding of how we experience God. In our worship and fellowship together, we feel the power of God’s presence. In our personal relationship with God, as we seek God’s will and way, we know God […]

June 5, 2022 message: “Overcomi...

We start a new series this Sunday, “Living the Spirit Life.” Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus promised to send a Helper for us. This Helper is the Holy  Spirit. But many of us struggle to grasp who the Holy Spirit really is and what the Holy Spirit does. We understand that the Holy Spirit […]

May 29, 2022 message: “Jesus Is...

The ending of Revelation – and all of Scripture – is a vision of redemption and restoration that brings us back to the glory of creation and new life. The promise we cling to is that God is working to bring this vision to pass. Our part is to remain faithful and commit to making […]

May 22, 2022 message: “The Air ...

At the end of the powerful vision in Revelation, God’s Kingdom has come to be here on Earth, and the vision points to God as Healer who bring people together. This is the fifth week in our series, “Revelation Song.” Pastor Susan Hagan’s message is based on Revelation 21: 10, 22 – 27; 22: 1-5. […]