Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

December 19, 2021 message: “A Room with a View”

This has been an Advent season of prophets: Jeremiah, Baruch, Isaiah, Micah. And now the prophet is Mary – the woman who was the original house for the holy. (The Greek word is theotokos or “God-bearer.”) She was “the inn,” her womb gestating love for the world. With all her heart, she proclaims that the lowly are lifted, the hungry are fed, mercy reigns. Like Mary, we must envision, must see, must prophesy and act on that vision for the world that God continues to call us to co-create. What is the view from the room that God has prepared?

This is the fourth week in the series, “The Inn: Housing the Holy.” Pastor Mary’s message is based on Micah 5: 2-5a and Luke 1: 46-55. To read it, click here. For a contemporary take on Mary’s story, watch First Christmas: Mary

The 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services are available in their entirety on YouTube.