Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

December 29, 2019 message: “Wonders of His Love – Compassionate Joy”

As we live in the joy of Christmas, we encounter the rest of the story – a fearful and vengeful ruler who has it out for the newborn “King” Jesus and takes it out on the children of the land. The cruelty of the story is hard to fathom, and we’re challenged to consider what it means to live joyfully and seek justice in the midst of a world in pain.

This is the fifth and final week of the series, “Heaven and Nature Sing: 300 Years of ‘Joy to the World.'” We opened worship with “Let Your Light Shine.” Pastor Mary’s message is based on Isaiah 63: 7-9, Psalm 148, and Matthew 2: 13-23. To read it, click here.