“Shadow Savior – Not the Savior You Want, but the Savior You Need”
2019 theme: Love God and love your neighbor
Sometimes we’re not very brave when it comes to faith. We don’t want to ask the questions that keep coming up for us. We don’t want to seem like we don’t believe or that we struggle. And yet, sometimes “because the Bible says so” or “well, Jesus said it” isn’t enough. We need to be honest about our wonderings and questions. What do we find difficult about Jesus? During his life and ministry and then into the week of his crucifixion, Jesus’ closest followers and many who surrounded him struggled to understand and accept all that he said and did, and we might, too. But when we share our confusion, anger, fear, frustration, and surprise, we’ll find even more reason to follow the One who comes to save.
Click on the links below to learn more.