Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

August 8, 2016: Worship Brainstorming Summary

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us Monday night at Ron and Vicki’s house for the worship brainstorming. Faith, politics, and money…provocative topics that generated a huge amount of discussion that was both holy and respectful! This is by far the most challenging brainstorming I have ever tried to summarize. I tried to capture the content and nature of the discussion as well as incorporate more background information and stuff I have received since Monday. You are more than welcome to offer clarifications and corrections where I missed the mark. Continue to pass along your thoughts.

Click here for the summary.

Here are some interesting articles, videos that we discovered since we gathered:

  1. The Real Theological Issue between Christians and Muslims
  2. Letgo “Space” Commercial
  3. Peace Prayers Activity with Legos

Blessings, Karen

Here are a few pictures of the cookout potluck before we got down to business.