We are called to bear witness to Christ by sharing our faith with others, which we do by letting our light shine and by using words to tell people what Jesus means to us. This is the fifth and final week of our series based on Adam Hamilton’s book, The Walk: Five Essential Practices of […]
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Posts tagged the walk
January 23, 2022 message: “Give...
The way we spend our money is a kind of “selfie” that shows us our priorities, and identifies gratitude and generosity as keys to living a good life. Jesus calls us to invest in God’s kingdom rather than possessions. This is the fourth week in a five week series based on Adam Hamilton’s book, The […]
January 16, 2022 message: “Serv...
The call to follow Jesus is fundamentally a call to service, which we do both individually and together in our church. This is the third week in the five week series based on Adam Hamilton’s book, The Walk: Five Essential Practices for the Christian Life. Jeff Verry’s message is based on Micah 6: 6-8, 1 […]
January 9, 2022 message: “Study...
Listening is an important skill we hone, and listening to God’s voice is no exception. God speaks to us in many ways, including general revelation (nature, art, life experiences, people, conscience, intuition, reason) and special revelation (Holy Spirit, Scripture, Jesus as God’s Word to us). This is the second week in a five week series […]
January 2, 2022 message: “Worsh...
How do we walk with Christ – daily follow him, grow in him, and faithfully serve him? Discover five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. Worshiping regularly with gratitude and nurturing our prayer life is a vital part of walking with Jesus. Worship is our witness that God is worthy of […]
December 14, 2021 Worship Brainstormi...
You are invited to join the worship team on Tues., Dec. 14 at the Booth’s house. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the one-time commitment. The ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship. The potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to share. Brainstorming is from […]