Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

July 23, 2023: “A Matter of Eye...

Examples of infidelity aren’t hard to find – in our relationships and even in the stories of our faith ancestors. Jesus takes this commandment even rather to remind us of the importance of faithfulness in our relationships. This is the seventh week in the series, “Words to Live By: Ten Commandments for Today.” Pastor Kim […]

July 24, 2023: Worship Brainstorming ...

All-Church Worship Brainstorming “Discipleship: The United Methodist Top Ten” Mon., July 24, 2023 at Ron and Vicki Zuker’s house (not at the Booth’s as originally scheduled) 6:00 p.m. Potluck 7:00-9:30 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship August 20 – October 29 (10 Sundays) Too often, our only introduction to the specific beliefs of the United Methodist Church […]

July 16, 2023: “How Will We Liv...

God’s will is that every person experiences abundant life. Even still, discussion around this commandment is loaded for many reasons. In a time when gun violence and death is nightly news, how do we live out this call to value one another as beloved children of God? How do we understand this comment on Jesus’ […]

July 9, 2023: “A Question of Ho...

This commandment is the first directive about loving others, and it starts with the closest relationship for most of us – our parents. To honor means to take seriously, and our response to this commandment is both highly affected by circumstances and changes with ages, and yet there’s a call to care for older adults […]

2023 Worship Planning Retreat

For more than twenty years, Lake Harbor has taken a collaborative approach to planning worship. Planning for a whole year just takes this collaborative process to the next level, something that we have done annually since 2017. Each retreat’s success was due largely to the work done prior to the retreat. We sought input using […]

July 2, 2023: “Rest and Remembe...

The word Sabbath is rooted in the word, “stop.” In a world where busyness and productivity are valued so highly, God’s word to remember to rest isn’t always welcome or observed. And yet, this command is literally the pivotal word between loving God and loving neighbor. Will we listen? This is the fourth week in […]

June 25, 2023: “Promise Keeping...

“Taking God’s name in vain” has long been associated with specific language, but there’s more to this command than using bad language. It’s about reflecting God’s nature and representing God’s character in our daily lives. This is the third week in the series, “Words to Live By: The Ten Commandments for Today.” Pastor Mary’s message […]

June 18, 2023: “Check Your Wors...

Worshiping idols is ultimately about trying to create something we can see rather than trusting in God who we cannot see or fully understand on our own terms. Idolatry is when we worship what’s created rather than worshiping our Creator. Though we may not go about this like our ancestors in faith, we struggle when […]

June 11, 2023: “God First”...

God invites the Hebrew people into relationship – reminding them of the covenant made with their ancestors and asking for their faithfulness. Still, we’re invited into relationship with God – Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer – and called to put God at the center of our lives. How do we do it? This is the first […]

June 4, 2023: “Songs to Live By...

Scripture is the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ, but we understand Scripture more fully through music. Whether it’s a hymn written long ago or a more modern worship song, faith is nurtured and strengthened by singing God’s promises. Today’s “message” is based on Psalm 100 and Colossians 3: 15-17. Members offered reflections on […]