Lake Harbor UMC
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our vision is that all people may experience the love of Jesus. Our call then, is Love: welcoming all, empowered by Christ, sent forth to serve.
Pastor Mary Ivanov
Regular Sunday Worship Service Times: 9am & 11am
(See below for more info)
Welcome to Lake Harbor!
Sunday Worship Service Times:
9:00 AM Blended Service
11:00 AM Modern Service
Christian Education (Sunday School) for kids and youth: 10:15am (September-April)
Worship is live streamed on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and available on our YouTube channel. Anyone with Internet access is able to participate in online worship.
Children’s Sunday, May 5th: 10am
One Sunday Service on holiday weekends, May 26, July 7, September 1, December 29: 10am

LHUMC Welcoming Statement
Lake Harbor UMC is a community of faith where we welcome all in the name of Jesus Christ. We recognize that we are not of one mind on a wide range of theological and cultural issues, though we are a community of faith grounded in God’s love and grace that is active in our lives – transforming, renewing, and sustaining us. We are blessed and strengthened by the gifts and presence of a variety of people, and we believe that God uses all of us to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We believe that each person is a beloved child of God, and we value the sacred worth and dignity of all persons, without exception. We welcome all into membership and leadership including:
- persons with divergent theological and political convictions, even as we seek to emphasize our connectedness and unity in Christ;
- persons of all races, cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic conditions;
- persons at all places on the spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression;
- persons of various ages and life experiences, and persons who are differently abled.
We seek to love one another as Christ loves us. Christ opened the table of grace to everyone, and we commit to offer one another boundless compassion and affirmation so that the reign of God might be made known “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Our Missions
Get In Touch
For Additional Information, Please Contact Us
Sunday Worship Service Times: 9am & 11am
Address: 4861 Henry St, Norton Shores, MI 49441
(Across from Norton Shores City Offices)
Phone: (231) 798-2181
Email: Office@lakeharborumc.org
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