Pastor Mary Ivanov
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our vision is that all people may experience the love of Jesus. Our call then, is Love: welcoming all, empowered by Christ, sent forth to serve.
Upcoming Events
Sunday Service Times: 9:00 AM Traditional Service and 11:00 AM Contemporary Service
One worship service at 10:00 AM on holiday weekends (September 4, December 25, and January 1, 2023).
Masks are not required inside the church building for those who are fully vaccinated, but we ask that those who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask at all times. We also want to stress that if someone is fully vaccinated and is more comfortable wearing a mask for any reason, we invite them to do so. We ask that you check in on the attendance pads when you enter the sanctuary and practice physical distancing between households in the sanctuary (using every other pew). As always, please stay home if you aren’t feeling well.
Worship is livestreamed on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and available on our YouTube channel. Anyone with Internet access is able to participate in online worship.
If you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to contact our office at 231-798-2181 or
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mary Ivanov