Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

December 11, 2016 message: “An ...

December 11, 2016 message: “An Old Man’s Song of Thanksgiving”

Zechariah’s words are called the Benedictus because he offers a blessing after he and Elizabeth welcome their son, John. he’s grateful not only for John, but also for Jesus, whose birth fulfills the promises of God to bring salvation. What hope do we have for our children and their place in God’ Kingdom? To read […]

Coming Soon: “Faith in Films...

The season of Epiphany begins January 8, 2017. For four weeks, we’ll explore how God reveals himself in film and in our own lives. Pastor Mary’s message will be based on a different film each week. You are encouraged to watch the films before Sunday worship. We are not arranging a group outing, but encourage […]

December 4, 2016 message: “A Gi...

December 4, 2016 message: “A Girl’s Upside-Down Song”

Mary’s song is called the Magnificat because she magnifies the Lord. She also is clear that what God is doing in Jesus will change the world forever. her song challenges us to see how God turns our expectations upside-down by coming to us as One who will pay special attention to those who are not […]

November 27, 2016 message: “An ...

November 27, 2016 message: “An Old Woman’s Song of Blessing”

Elizabeth’s song serves as an encouragement to Mary and confirms her own hope in God’s blessings. She is the first one to call Jesus, “Lord,” and her song challenges us to be those who bless others. To read Pastor Mary’s message, based on Luke 1: 39-45, click here. For an animated telling of the story, […]

November 20, 2016 message: “Gen...

November 20, 2016 message: “Generosity and Thanksgiving”

Today we heard from several people who participated in the Kingdom assignment that was given on October 16 as part of our stewardship series. Each person noted how generosity and thanksgiving had a ripple effect. The pictures and videos shown below, give a good idea about how many different ways people used their five dollars […]

November 13, 2016 message: “The...

November 13, 2016 message: “The Ministry of Interruptions”

Jesus’ ministry was filled with interruptions. His words and examples in Mark 5: 21-43 provide instruction in how we can and should deal with interruptions in our daily life in general and church life in particular. To read, Pastor Les’ message, click here.

November 6, 2016 message: “Than...

November 6, 2016 message: “Thank for the Saints”

Saints are those who help us to know God better. As we remember them, remember our baptism, and come to the table, we’re surrounded by their witness and challenged to be saints for other. To read Pastor Mary’s message, based on Ephesians 1: 11-23, click here. Watch, “I Choose Thankful,” here.

October 30, 2016 message: “When...

October 30, 2016 message: “When We Get It Right”

Generosity is something we learn from others, but it’s rooted in God’s love for us. We grow in grace and holiness as we open ourselves to generosity. We are transformed as we give – not something that we’ve done ourselves, but as the work of God in us. Pastor Mary’s message was based on Luke […]

October 23, 2016 message: “Teth...

October 23, 2016 message: “Tethered to God”

Generosity doesn’t just happen, but requires careful planning and goal setting. It requires that we are intentional in our decisions including opportunities for tithing and giving in our family budgets. It meas that we evaluate how we’re living and seek to live as simply as we can instead of being weighted down by our possession. […]

October 16, 2016 message: “Brea...

October 16, 2016 message: “Breaking Free”

We can get sucked into the pull of more so quickly that we loose ourselves and our call to be generous. We forget our mission to love and serve God who is generous to us. God calls us not to simply benefit for the Kingdom of God, but to participate in expanding the Kingdom of […]