Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

October 28, 2018: “Don’t ...

Worries about money are nothing new. Jesus knew that when he called us to stop worrying and remember that God cared for and provides for us. Do we trust God’s way of providing, and willingly invest in God’s Kingdom work as a witness to the world? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Matthew 6: 25-34. […]

October 21, 2018: “Giving Our T...

We earn, spend, and (sometimes) save money. We also want to give, but sometimes giving is our last thought rather than our first. How do we hear Jesus’ call to humility in living and giving? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Matthew 6: 1-6. To read it, click here.

Brainstorming for November 2018 Worsh...

Thank you for the Worship Connections Team Monday, October 15, 2018 for a potluck and brainstorming for our November series on grief. Click here to find out what we came up with. Here is what we started with: Nov 2018 worship plans (Word document) Nov 2018 worship plans (PDF) Scripture 11-4-18 John 11

October 14, 2018: “The Problem ...

We often feel conflicted in our lives because so many things seek our attention and our devotion. Jesus said you can’t serve two master. Most of us are trying to serve a lot more than two! How can we serve God well so that other things fall into place and our hearts find true rest? […]

October 7, 2018: “Where Is your...

Sometimes the things we value and love most get the least of our time, attention, and money. Jesus said that our hearts follow our treasure – not the other way around! How do we find true contentment, making sure that our time, energy, and money are invested in ways that connect us to God? Pastor […]

September 30, 2018: “The Church...

Church isn’t a place we go or a building on a city corner; the church is the Body of Christ. We are a gathered community of people seeking to follow Jesus Christ – actively loving God and loving neighbor through worship and mission by the power of the Holy Spirit. Worship opened with “Welcome to […]

September 23, 2018: “Holy Spiri...

The Holy Spirit is probably the most mysterious and misunderstood person of the Trinity – and perhaps the most uncomfortable because it’s active, unpredictable, and usually brings change. We have physical images to describe the Spirit, but we also know the Spirit as a guiding voice and giver of spiritual gifts. How do we claim […]

September 16, 2018: “Jesus: Wor...

Incarnation means “in the flesh.” Jesus is God Incarnate and shows us God’s love in a powerful way. What does it mean that we call him Savior, Messiah, and Lord? Pastor Mary’s message is based on John 1: 1-18 and Philippians 2: 5-11. To read it, click here.

September 9, 2018: “God: The Gr...

To say we believe in God is important, but that’s a pretty general statement. In a world where there’s increasing struggle to claim faith and even more rejection of faith because of how God is portrayed, what do we believe about God, and how does it make a difference? Pastor Mary’s message is based on […]

September 2, 2018 message: “God...

Covenant is a foundational part of the relationship between God and us. How do we reflect God’s promise-keeping in our relationship with God and others? Guest pastor, Rev. Susan Hagans, based her message on Psalm 81. Please contact the church office if you would like a DVD of the service.