Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

August 11, 2019 message: “Quest...

We’ve undoubtedly heard of the rise of the religious “Nones” in the U.S. – people who claim no religious affiliation – now above 20% and on the rise. How do we understand and relate to people who claim no faith or might describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”? We welcomed Pastor Kim Bos to […]

August 4, 2019 message: “Questi...

Muslims and Christians trace our faith roots back to Abraham, as do Jews. We highlight the differences easily, but we don’t always recognize that close connection in light of current world event and religious extremism from a relative few in every faith tradition. What can we learn about our faith roots from those who practice […]

July 28, 2019 message: “Questio...

Suffering doesn’t define our faith in Jesus Christ, through it is a part of our human condition. We believe that God can work through our suffering to bring redemption and transformation. As we explore the foundational beliefs of Buddhism, we’ll explore our Christian understanding of the existence of God, the reality of human suffering, and […]

July 21, 2019 message: “Questio...

We are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ, and God desires to be known and to have a relationship with each of use. As we explore the foundational belief of Hinduism, we’ll explore our Christian understanding of God’s nature, the reality of sing, and the truth of death and resurrection. We shared […]

July 14, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

Jesus’ appearance to those who were walking to Emmaus reminds us that he is always with us – and sometimes shows up clearly in unexpected ways, people, and even in times when hope seems lost. Pastor Mary’s last message in this series is based on Luke 24: 13-35. *To read it, click here. *Due to […]

July 7, 2019 message: “Lead wit...

“Counting your blessings” is always good advice, but how does gratitude make a difference in serving God and each other? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 17: 11-19, Jesus cleansing then lepers. *To read it, click here. *Due to technical difficulties, we are behind posting Pastor Mary’s messages. Please check back later.

June 30, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

June 30, 2019 message: “Lead with Kindness”

The Good Samaritan is remembered for many reasons, but one is incredible kindness that goes beyond the expected response. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 10: 25-37. *To read it, click here. *Due to technical difficulties, we are behind in posting Pastor Mary’s messages. Please check back later.

June 23, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

June 23, 2019 message: “Lead with Boldness”

Esther used her social capital and influence to make a difference, and she invited others to pray and trust in God. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Esther 4-9 with a focus on chapters 4 and 7. *To read it, click here. For a better understanding of what Esther felt about her role, watch “One […]

June 16, 2019 message: “Lead wi...

June 16, 2019 message: “Lead with Faith”

Daniel in the lion’s den shows the power of faith to guide us and help us to lead others. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Daniel 6. To read it, click here.* For a brief retelling of the whole book of Daniel watch “God’s Story: Daniel.” *Due to technical difficulties, we are a little behind […]

June 9, 2019 message: “The Powe...

When we say we’re “empowered by Christ and sent forth to serve,” we’re trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide us. This series will challenge us to be attentive to that power, claim our spiritual gifts, and use them to lead well as servant leaders. We’ll be guided by the same verse as our Vacation […]