Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

April 7, 2024: “Forgiveness: Go...

Jesus’ parable about he lost son (or the forgiving father) is powerful because it reminds us that God’s nature is to forgive, which challenges how we view ourselves and others. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 15: 1-2, 11-32, Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. Click here to watch the Skit Guys tell the […]

March 31, 2024: “Who Are You Lo...

Mary is questioned first by angels and then by Jesus – both wanting to know the source of her sadness and Jesus wanting to know who she’s seeking. We, like Mary, are seeking something (or someone), and Jesus invites us to answer him. Who are week looking for – and why? Pastor Mary’s Easter message […]

March 24, 2024: “What Are You L...

At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he asks his future disciples what they want – or perhaps what they’re seeking. He has been called the Lamb of God – the One who will redeem the world – and they follow him. As Jesus is welcomed with palms and presumed to be the Messiah who will […]

March 28, 2024: “Why Have You F...

The event so of the last night of Jesus’ earthly life show the deep love and grace of God as Jesus shares a meal with his friends and washes their feet – only to experience the deepest betrayal. Jesus’ question spoken from the cross cuts to our hearts as we feel the weight of his […]

March 17, 2024: “Whom Will You ...

The Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) has become a popular sound bite, but Jesus’ questions that follow push us to a deeper kind of love that includes a heavy does of empathy and runs counter to our cultural expectations. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 6: […]

March 10, 2024: “What Do You Li...

Jesus asks a dangerous question, and our answer can change the trajectory of our lives. God created each of us with a soul that seeks God and gifts that contribute to building God’s Kingdom here and now. We’re called to nurture our relationship with God and pursue what truly matters. Pastor Mary’s message is based […]

March 3, 2024: “Why Are You Anx...

Jesus convicts us with his questions about worry. There’s comfort in his words, but it’s complicated to simply “give up” worry because it’s a part of having free will. But there are ways that we can respond to worry so that we can move toward greater hope. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 12: […]

March 4, 2024 Worship Brainstorming: ...

All-Church Worship Brainstorming “Forgiveness” Mon., March 4, 2024 in the church lounge Noon Potluck 12:45 – 3:00 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship April 7-28 (4 Sundays) If you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, they are unlikely to say, “angry, bitter, and unforgiving.” We see the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects […]

February 25, 2024: “Why Are You...

Everyone is afraid at some point, and Jesus asks a seemingly obvious question in the midst of a fearful time. Fear can make us feel like we’re sinking and out of control, but listening to Jesus and remembering that he is present reminds us that fear doesn’t have to overwhelm us. Pastor Mary’s message is […]

February 18, 2024: “Who Do You ...

Jesus was fond of asking questions, may of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Author Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves. At the beginning of Lent, the question is about identity – both […]