Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

Worship Brainstorming August 18, 2021

“Mission: Possible” and “Building a Strong FAMILY of God” The worship brainstorming for 2 series (3 weeks and 6 weeks) will be held at Ivanov’s. Members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the one evening commitment. The ideas generated at the brainstorming are used in worship. We will have a picnic […]

August 8, 2021: “Quest – ...

Our spiritual lives and the body of Christ are shaped by the importance of community, sharing through selfless ways, and fellowship. Five years ago, Lakeside UMC and Lake Harbor UMC merged. Our Midwest District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford, joined us to deliver her message on the importance of community and recognize this anniversary.  This […]

August 1, 2021 message: “Quest ...

Jesus often crossed paths with others not from his “tribe.” He did not shy away, but often sought out these opportunities. He met people going about their daily lives and engaged with them at the point of their deepest yearning. When we seek out and are open to new encounters, new people, and new relationships, […]

July 25, 2021 message: “Quest &...

We begin a new six-week series, “Quest: Travel as a  Spiritual Act.” Whether you travel far away or see your local surroundings as if for the first time, pilgrimage has long been a spiritual practice, and “journey” a deeply-felt metaphor for our spiritual lives. “Quest” comes from the Latin root meaning “ask, seek.” This series […]

July 18, 2021 message: “Empower...

The call to self-control sends us back to love – knowing that we can’t bear the other fruit without checking ourselves. We have to be honest about temptation and our need for accountability with God and other to overcome it. Pastor Mary’s final message in this series is based on Galatians 5: 22-26 and II […]

July 11, 2021 message: “Empower...

Gentleness isn’t weakness or passiveness, but is intimately connected to strength and power under control. Pastor Kim Bos’ message is based on Galatians 5:22-26  and Matthew 11: 25-30. To read it, click here. The service can be viewed in its entirety on FaceBook and YouTube.

July 4, 2021 message: “Empowere...

Faithfulness calls us to take risks and try new things with God’s gifts in our lives. We are the return on God’s investment of love and grace. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Galatians 5: 22-26 and Matthew 25: 14-30. To read it, click here . The service is available in its entirety on FaceBook […]

July 6, 2021 Brainstorming: “Qu...

Whether you travel far away or see your local surroundings as if for the first time, pilgrimage has long been a spiritual practice, and “journey” a deeply-felt metaphor for our spiritual lives. “Quest” comes from the Latin root meaning “ask, seek.” This four-week worship series (which we are expanding to six weeks) will encourage us […]

June 27, 2021 message: “Empower...

Goodness is grounded in God, and we can only show goodness because God is good. We struggle, though, to embrace God’s goodness for all people – even when it seems unfair in our human view. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Galatians 5: 22-26 and Matthew 20: 1-16. To read it, click here. The service […]

June 20, 2021 message: “Empower...

Kindness isn’t just about what we can do for others, but who we are and how others feel around us. With Jesus’ challenging words that we admire (and possible struggle with), how do we cultivate kindness in our everyday interactions? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Galatians 5: 22-26 and Luke 6: 27-36. To read […]