Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts in category Messages

Living Our Baptismal Calling: Lent an...

All-Church Worship Brainstorming “Living Our Baptismal Calling” A lectionary-based (Year A) Lenten series February 22 – April 9, 2023 (Ash Wednesday, 5 weeks of Lent, Holy Week, Easter) Mon., Feb. 6, 2023 at Ed and Sue Baranowski’s home The primary purpose of Lent from the earliest church, was to prepare candidates for baptism at Easter. […]

February 5, 2023 message: “Wher...

Sometimes feeling God’s presence is a struggle. Disappointment, grief, and other losses make us wonder where God is and if we’ll ever feel God with us. Throughout Scripture, Zion is the place where God dwells. It’s a specific place, but it’s also a promise of God’s presence with us no matter what. When we come […]

February 4, 2024: “Keep Swingin...

February 4, 2024: “Keep Swinging!”

Our faith story undoubtedly has seasons of struggle when we feel like we’re battling against ourselves or others. Following Jesus means that we have a Guide on the journey who knows the pain of struggle, the need for perseverance, and the strength of hope. This is the fifth week in our series, “My Story – […]

January 17, 2023 Worship Brainstormin...

All-Church Worship Brainstorming “Mountaintop Stories: Where Heaven and Earth Meet” An Epiphany series that explores “thin places” in our lives Tues., Jan. 17, 2023 at LHUMC 12:00 p.m. Potluck 12:45-3:00 p.m. Brainstorming for Worship February 5-19, 2023 (3 Sundays) Sometimes specific moments and places are important in our faith journey.  Whether it’s a literal mountaintop […]

January 29, 2023 message: “God&...

The struggle to love as God loves is real, yet we know the power of that love in moments when we experience it from others. To be a friend of Jesus is to be connected to him and know that we’re able to love as he loves, but it takes intentional community with others who […]

January 22, 2023 message: “Livi...

The goal of our spiritual lives is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ so that the world is transformed. It requires us to live with courage and confidence in God’s grace, honesty and humility in our struggles and joys, and trust in God and each other. This is the third week in our […]

January 15, 2023 message: “Spir...

The church is the Body of Christ, and we celebrate God’s presence with us in him. As followers of Jesus and leaders, each one of us is an important part of the whole. Even when we don’t feel that our part is vital, God is using each of us and our gifts to make a […]

January 8, 2023 message: “Calle...

From the beginning, we’re called into relationship – with God and each other. Baptism calls us into deeper community with others who seek to follow Jesus and whose hope is in him. In a time when the nature of community is changing, when we connect in many different ways, reaching out to one another is […]

January 1, 2023 message: “Turni...

Christmas is a powerful moment, but the power of it can quickly fade away. Jesus’ early life includes careful attention from his parents – listening to God’s direction. How can we use this moment – a new day and a new year – to listen for God’s direction and renew our commitment to following Jesus […]

December 25, 2022 message: “God...

The Christ Child is born and we, the Body of Christ, are reborn with him. We’re called to embody peace, hope, love and joy, so how will we live this out? Scrooge could not contain his exuberance at being given the gift of living – truly living – another day. On this day of gift-giving, […]