Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

April 2, 2023 message: “Called ...

Jesus was welcomed with shouts of “Hosanna!” as he entered Jerusalem – an appeal for salvation. Holy Week leads us to remember that our praise can quickly turn into ridicule if we don’t remember who Jesus is – not the One who will give us exactly what we want, but the Messiah we need and […]

April 7, 2023 message: “Station...

We don’t always make the connection that Jesus was executed by those in power and those who went along with them. How do we look around and see Jesus’ suffering in our midst today? This community-wide Good Friday worship service is available in its entirety on YouTube.

March 26, 2023 message: “Called...

This week’s baptismal vow: “According to the grace given to you, will you remain faithful member of Christ’s holy Church and serve as Christ’s representatives in the world?” Today’s story takes great pains to show us that Lazarus was really and truly dead. And, as Martha reminds us, there is already a stench around the […]

Dare to Dance Again Worship Brainstor...

All-Church Worship Brainstorming “Dare to Dance Again” April 16 – May 28, 2023 (7 Sundays) Mon., March 27 from 6:00 – 9:30 pm at Dave and Karen Booth’s house As Easter people, we are called to dance our dances of freedom for all the world to see – even and perhaps especially in times of […]

March 19, 2023 message: “Called...

This week’s baptismal vow: “Will you nurture these persons in Christ’s holy church, that by your teaching and example they may be guided to accept God’s grace for themselves, to profess their faith openly, and to lead a Christian life? Will you nurture one another in the Christian faith and life, and include these persons […]

March 12, 2023 message: “Called...

This week’s baptismal vow: “Do confess Jesus Christ as your Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord, in union with the Church which Christ has opened to all people (people of all ages, nations, and races)?” Like the Samaritan woman whom encounters Jesus at the well, […]

March 5, 2023 message: “Called ...

This week’s baptismal vow: “Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?” Nicodemus asks Jesus what it means to be “born again,” and we might have similar questions about our faith. “Born again” has become almost “code language” rather than an […]

February 26, 2023 message: “Cal...

This is the first week in our Lenten/Easter series, “Living Our Baptismal Calling.” Pastor Mary’s messages will focus on one baptismal vow and readings from the Gospels of John and Matthew. This week’s baptismal vow: “Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?” […]

February 19, 2023 message: “In ...

We need mountaintop experiences to encourage us on our faith journey. When we witness the glory of the God in Jesus, it’s an opportunity to be strengthened ourselves – and to strengthen others. All of us can offer our faith to others, and all of us “borrow” from the faith of others. This is the […]

February 12, 2023 message: “Dec...

Elijah has a lot to teach us about following God faithfully and being confident in God’s power because of his relationship with God. How do we keep choosing to follow God – maintaining spiritual stamina – no matter the decisions before us? This is the second week in our series, “Mountaintop Stories: Where Heaven and […]