Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

July 9, 2017 message: “In the B...

July 9, 2017 message: “In the Beginning: God Who Sees and Hears”

Abraham is the faith father of Jews, Muslims, and Christians. God cares for and provides for Hagar and Ishmael when they are kicked out. God provides what we need at the right time in the toughest of circumstances. Pastor Mary’s message is based on Genesis 21: 8-21. For a visual retelling of events leading up […]

July 2, 2017 message: “In the B...

Abraham show hospitality to three visitors and receives the promise of a son. How do we welcome God in our midst and discover God’s promises of life and hope in unexpected ways? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Genesis 18: 1-15, 21: 1-7. For a visual retelling of the events leading up to today’s scripture […]

Vacation Bible School 2017: Hero Cent...

Vacation Bible School 2017: Hero Central

Vacation Bible School was great! Check out these photos. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

June 25, 2017 message: “In the ...

Noah’s faith in God lead him to build the ark and follow through with his part of bringing hop. Are we willing to walk by faith and trust in God even when the plan seems strange and the outcome uncertain? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Genesis 6: 14-22, 7:24, 8:14-19. For a visual interpretation […]

June 18, 2017 message: “In the ...

We are made in God’s own image and made for relations with God and each other. From the start, it seems that God’s intent was for us to reflect the image of God. How can we celebrate God’s image in us and in one another? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Genesis 1:1- 2:4. For […]

June 11, 2017 message: “The Rip...

June 11, 2017 message: “The Ripple Effect”

The Servant Girl from Naaman’s household shows deep faith and trust in God to bring healing and hope. We don’t know her name, but we do know that her simple wish changed Naaman’s life. Because of the Holy Spirit’s presence with us and in us, we have the power to change the world. To read […]

June 4, 2017 message: The Difference ...

The Ascension is essential to a Christian understanding that Jesus is a challenge to all earthly kings, and his risen state gives the Church confidence against all injustice and suffering. What are the implications for our discipleship? To read Pastor Les Longden’s message, based on Acts 1: 1-11, click here.

May 28, 2017 message: “Waiting ...

May 28, 2017 message: “Waiting (and Praying) Is the Hardest Part”

Hannah is prayerful and persistent. Her struggle drives her to prayer, and she makes a promise to God to dedicate her child to God’s service and keeps the promise after Samuel is born. Her praise comes after she sees God’s faithfulness over the long haul. Holding onto hope is part of living our faith in […]

“In the Beginning: (God’s...

“In the Beginning: (God’s) Family Drama”

Worship Brainstorming Summary: “...

Worship Brainstorming Summary: “In the Beginning: (God’s) Family Drama”