Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

Free Movies and Popcorn

The last two films in our Faith in Film series are no longer in theaters. We’ll show “The Way” here at church on Sunday January 28 at 4:00 pm and “The Case for Christ” on Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 7:00 pm.Everyone is invited.

January 21, 2018: “Force Full&#...

God’s Spirit, like “the force,” is available to us when we put our faith in Jesus, and we have a new sense of life, hope, and power. God’s power in our lives is evident in how we seek the common good and work for God’s Kingdom here and now. Pastor Mary’s message is based on […]

January 14, 2018: “Choose Kind&...

It’s easy to mask our true selves and try to be someone we are not, rather than embracing who we are as God’s beloved. when we can claim God’s love for us, we can find peace and love others for who they are and see God’s gifts in them. Pastor Mary’s message is based on […]

Lent and Easter Worship: “Gifts...

All Church Worship Brainstorming Summary Gifts of the Dark Wood This series based on the book, Gifts of the Dark Wood by Eric Elnes, is about “seeing life through new eyes, recognizing that the experiences of failure, emptiness, and uncertainty are critical for finding our way through life as they are unavoidable.” We will see […]

January 7, 2018: “Get Up and Go...

By now Joseph was used to angels. And now he needed their timely warnings more than ever. Jesus was barely a toddler and his trouble with the Roman Empire had begun. Jesus, the Savior of Humankind becomes a refugee–forced from home by oppression and violence. We ask ourselves how we might usher in #morelife in […]

December 31, 2017: “We Have Com...

Though there are no obvious angels among the magi (either en route to worshiping the newborn king or afterwards), they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod. How could they trust in God’s leading them away from Herod and “not be afraid” of the implications of going against the king? How does […]

December 24, 2017 at 10 am: “Th...

“The ABC’s of Christmas” by Erin Klassen, The Young Clergy Women Project A is for an angel, Gabriel, who began the story with a greeting: B is for Bethlehem, where our story takes place. People traveled from far and wide to arrive in the city; it was a very busy place. C is for a […]

December 24, 2017 at 11 pm: “Th...

The sky was brighter than usual that night, making it easier to keep track of the sheep. And then it got really bright. You would have thought that all that “glory” shining would have been “the sign.” That’s what most of us look for–great big obvious clues about God’s presence. But instead, the angel says […]

“Faith in Films” begins J...

The season of Epiphany begins January 14, 2018. For five weeks, we’ll explore how God reveals himself in film, with a special focus on Jesus’ words in John 10:10, “I came that they might have life and have it to the full…” Pastor Mary’s message will be based on a different film each week. You […]

December 18, 2017: “The Light S...

For many, the “holiday season” is no holiday at all. It is filled with difficult times, humps to get over, gatherings to endure, varieties of pressures and a flood of memories that darken and dampen the short days and long nights. This season is not a joy for everyone, and yet God offers comfort in […]