Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

Posts by kbooth

Vacation Bible School is June 25-28, ...

Vacation Bible School is coming to Lake Harbor soon. This year’s theme, Rolling River Rampage, will rock and roll on June 25-28 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Invite your friends and join us for great music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories…all to help us learn that God is always with us as […]

May 27, 2018 message: “Honesty ...

Kids have a knack for explaining things simply, offering honest questions, taking time to wonder, and speaking some surprising truths. What can we learn about how we approach God? Pastor Mary’s message is based on Luke 2: 41-52, Matthew 5: 8, and James 3: 17. To read it, click here.

May 20, 2018 message: “Joy R...

God created us and all of creation and said, “It was very good.” God took delight in creation, and God calls us to be creative. How can we reconnect with the joy of our childhood, including finding time to play, and quit taking ourselves too seriously? Our opening video, “Joy Ride, reminds us that God […]

May 13, 2018 message: “Trust &#...

Kids trust parents to catch them when they jump and comfort them when they are sad. A child’s trust is a sacred gift given to parents and caregivers that can reflect their trust in God. We know both the pain of broken trust and the importance of trust that is kept. We opened worship with”Childlike […]

May 6, 2018 message: “Generosit...

Jesus’ disciples were dumbfounded when Jesus told them that the vast crowd that had gathered to hear him speak also needed to be fed. A young boy was willing to share the little he had. Why did they have such a hard time believing that God would provide? Today’s message is based on Mark 10: […]

April 29, 2018: “Integrity R...

It’s an old adage, but “actions speak more loudly than words.” “Walking the walk” is more important than simply “talking the talk.” Faith lived out in action is a powerful and expected response to the love of Jesus in our lives. This is the third of a four part series on witness. For two different […]

April 22, 2018: “Humility ̵...

The word “humility” comes from the Latin for “of the dust.” What does it mean to be grounded in our faith and aware of God’s holiness and our humanity? This is the second in a four part series on witness. Worship opened with a first person monologue. Pastor Mary’s is based on 1 John 3: […]

Directory Photo Session Sign-Up

A new pictorial directory is in the works. Our Church Photography Dates: May 22-26, 2018 Weekday Hours: 2:00 pm – 8:30 pm Saturday Hours: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm To schedule an appointment, click here.   The link will take you to the Lifetouch page shown below. After clicking on “Select Number in Group,” the […]

April 16, 2018 Worship Brainstorming

Pastor Mary and Ivan Ivanov’s house 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 7:00-9:00 pm Brainstorming for Worship Join us at 6:00 pm for dinner. Please bring a side dish to pass. The main dish is a surprise! RSVP’s are helpful but not mandatory. Sign up at church or contact the church office (213-798-2181 or lakeharbor@aol.com) or Karen […]

April 8 message: “Authenticity ...

We begin a new series for the next four weeks of the Easter season with the theme of WITNESS.  What are important parts of our witness as Christians?  Jeff Verry, our Congregational Care Coordinator, shares the first message of this series based on the New Testament letter I John. People are looking for authentic relationship where […]