Welcoming All, Empowered by Christ, Sent Forth to Serve

July 9, 2023: “A Question of Honor”

This commandment is the first directive about loving others, and it starts with the closest relationship for most of us – our parents. To honor means to take seriously, and our response to this commandment is both highly affected by circumstances and changes with ages, and yet there’s a call to care for older adults that runs through Scripture. How do we understand this call from God today?

This is the fifth week in the series, “Words to Live By: Ten Commandments for Today.” Pastor Mary’s message is based on Exodus 20: 1-12 and Mark 7: 9-13.

The 9:00 and 11:00 am worship services are available in their entirety on YouTube.

Here are two videos from Resurrection UMC in Leawood, Kansas. We are posting them here with their permission. The first speaks to ways in which teens can honor parents. The second speaks to one way of honoring parents who were abusive.